Kim Russo, The Albuquerque Journal, Art5 Warhol
Invitational, Albuquerque, NM 2008
Ouida Touchon Las Cruces Bulletin, Art5 Warhol Invitational, Las Cruces, NM 2007
Doug Bullis, Author, One Hundred Artists of the Southwest, 2007
Craig Liebelt, Bliss Magazine in Santa Fe, Gallery Director Interview, Santa Fe, NM 2006
Teri Thomson Randall, the SF New Mexican (Pasa Tiempo), Biennale Artists, Santa Fe, NM 2003
The Biennale Awards, Florence, Italy 2003 the Nationale Press...
New Media Bronze Medal
Florence Biennale, the Florence Biennale Website, Florence, Italy 2003
Melanie Harembski, C.L.Coates: The State of the Art,
SVSU Press...Saginaw, MI 2002
Helen Raica-Klotz, The Bay City Times, Upfront Magazine, EvoDiva, Bay City, MI 2002
The Associated Press, Grand Rapids Press, Carol Coates at UICA, Grand Rapids, MI 2002
Roger Green, Kalamazoo Gazette, Critical Mass, Kalamazoo, MI 2001
Dana Carter, Battle Creek Enquirer, Critical Mass, Battle Creek, MI 2001
Roger Green, Ann Arbor News, Critical Mass, Ann Arbor, MI 2001
Janet Martineau, The Saginaw News, Evo Diva, Saginaw, MI 2001
Angela Lakey, Midland Daily News, Evo Diva, Midland, MI 2000